
Bruce Monk

“If I was to write a mission statement that would best describe my purpose and summarise my God-given destiny, it would have to be ‘to equip and empower the next generation.’ I gain as much delight in seeing others succeed as I do myself.”

Pastor Bruce Monk is an apostolic leader with a grace in raising a generation of leaders and a desire to see a powerful move of the Holy Spirit. Having been the National Movement Leader of ACTS Churches New Zealand, Bruce now leads ACTS Churches Europe as well as the Equippers Network Internationally. Bruce and his wife, Helen, live in Auckland New Zealand. They have four children, and twelve grandchildren.

Inside Out and Upside Down Leadership Inside Out and Upside Down Leadership
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Inside Out and Upside Down Leadership

Lessons and experiences from sixteen years of reforming and liberating an apostolic movement.

As National Leader of the Apostolic Church Movement in New Zealand for sixteen years, Bruce Monk undertook an ambitious organisational restructure in line with a clear God-given vision. Inside Out and Upside Down Leadership examines the roots of the apostolic movement and gives readers the chance to follow the transformational journey from outdated models of leadership to the thriving, multiplying and globally significant move of God it is today.

Books will be shipped in the first week of October.




In this book, Ps. Bruce Monk provides practical tools, wisdom and tips for not just leaving a legacy but embracing a life of legacy and leaving an enduring impact.



It has been said that in our youth, we strive to succeed, while maturity brings a desire for significance. In Pave The Way, Ps. Bruce Monk encourages us that significance is found in carving a path for another generation to follow.

Pastor Bruce's life and ministry have been characterised by extraordinary courage and conviction. In this book, he shares lessons from his own leadership journey, providing practical tools and biblical wisdom on topics such as leadership anointing, godly character, and how our gifts can be used to create lasting impact.

As you read, you will be inspired to not only leave a legacy, but to embrace a life of legacy. Our prayer is that this book will equip and empower you to move forward in your own life and to adopt a father-like heart to see the next generation prosper.


 embrace a life of legacy today
