Pastors Bruce and Helen have raised a generation of leaders who are impacting nations for the cause of Jesus Christ. Together, they minister around the world with a desire to see a powerful move of the Holy Spirit.
Pastors Bruce and Helen have raised a generation of leaders who are impacting nations for the cause of Jesus Christ. Together, they minister around the world with a desire to see a powerful move of the Holy Spirit.
Lessons and experiences from sixteen years of reforming and liberating an apostolic movement.
As National Leader of the Apostolic Church Movement in New Zealand for sixteen years, Bruce Monk undertook an ambitious organisational restructure in line with a clear God-given vision. Inside Out and Upside Down Leadership examines the roots of the apostolic movement and gives readers the chance to follow the transformational journey from outdated models of leadership to the thriving, multiplying and globally significant move of God it is today.
Books will be shipped in the first week of October.
prayer Devotional
In these fifty-two devotions, Pastor Helen introduces us to some of the most powerful scriptures about prayer. With prompts for reflection and journaling, this book will help you take deliberate steps to a more intimate, vibrant and effective life of prayer.
In this book, Pastor Bruce Monk provides practical tools, biblical wisdom and tips for embracing a life of legacy and leaving an enduring impact. Exploring topics such as leadership, anointing and godly wisdom, he shares his story and encourages us that significance is found in carving a path for another generation to follow.
Make The Shift - Standard
This book gives expression to the heart adjustments Pastor Helen has made in her own life as a response to the Holy Spirit, enabling her to position herself to fully apprehend and understand the love of God towards her. This book consists of 180 beautiful devotions that testify strongly to the Word of God, which leads, guides and transforms.
Make The Shift - Classic
In this edition of ‘Make The Shift’, you’ll find all of the same heart-stirring, faith-provoking devotions as the Standard edition, each brought to life with vibrant images, family photographs, and visual depictions of the analogies Pastor Helen uses so brilliantly throughout the book to communicate biblical concepts.